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PSYCARD is a 1v1 minesweeper-like game set in a cozy cyberpunk dystopia that includes psychic powers. It is available on the Google Playstore, Apple iOS, and


Friend convinces her group of 4 friends to get out of the house and do something for once.


The game is played with a series of cards laid face down. The player and opponent take turns flipping a card over to reveal its contents. The players' psychic abilities reveal hints about the surrounding card. Hints include fruit, stars or skulls nearby. If the card is blank then there is nothing in the surrounding area. The player must acquire 3 fruit in order to win the round. If the player or opponent draws a skull however the round immediately ends and their opponent earns points for the round.


An example of the board with no cards drawn

Types of Hints in PsyCard
Icon Description
Fruit nearby

Note that the position of the plus is NOT a hint to where the fruit might be.

Star hint
Star nearby

There may be multiple

Skull Nearby

There may be multiple

Star and fruit
Star and Fruit Nearby
Fruit and skull
Fruit and Skull Nearby
Star and skull
Star and Skull Nearby
Two fruit
Two or more fruit nearby

There may be more than two.

Two fruit and star
Multiple Fruit and Star(s) nearby
Two fruit and skull
Multiple Fruit and Skull(s) nearby.
Everything is nearby, assume the worst and hope for the best.

Hints Radius[]

The hints cover a radius that surrounds the card. Below the dual fruit hints that two fruit are near it.

Cards in PsyCard
Delicious fruit that may change depending on the board. Draw 3 to win.
Stars that provide energy for Star Power and rewards bonus points for winning.
The dread skull. There are three on the board (4 if playing Graveyard rules, 2 if playing Exotic).

Drawing it ends the round.


The game is played through a series of rounds. When a round ends the winner is rewarded a certain amount of points depending on how the victory was achieved. Stars not only provide energy for psychic skills but also rewards bonus points if you manage to win.

  • Winning by drawing 3 fruit: 3pts
  • Winning by opponent drawing a skull: 4pts
  • Winning with 1 Star: Bonus 2 pts (6pts if playing SuperStar)
  • Winning with 2 Stars: Bonus 5 pts (13 pts if playing SuperStar)


  • You are given a safe card to draw indicated by the glowing particles. This is to start you off so you don't have to draw a card blind and it's best to use if you are new. (Doesn't apply when playing in Hard Mode.)
  • One of the best characters to pick in the beginning is Z since she can help narrow the board down by detecting skulls.
  • There is a skull counter on top that can help provide a better visual in your head at what the cards you are considering might have
    Like this

    An example of the skull counter. There is 2 skulls on the blue side and one skull on the red side

  • If you are in a rush and have no helpful hints it might be best to skip the surrounding area and pick a card at least 2 cards away from your previously drawn cards to better scout the board. Be sure to refer to the skull counter up above and pick the color that's least likely to have a skull.
  • Drawing a card in the corner gives more "concentrated" info since it can only apply to 3 cards.
  • Every opposing NPC has a certain behavior. Some of them are aggressive and draw randomly while others try to flip cards near you. Trying to figure out their strategy can help since some may draw cards next to each other due to a fruit or star nearby. You can disrupt their behavior and increase the odds of winning by either stealing their fruit or disrupting their routine and making them pick a skull. (This is especially essential when playing as Dea.)
  • USE STAR POWERS. You are only given a max cap of 3 stars and the game goes on long enough to replenish. Use them often when you are losing momentum... especially after drawing one or two stars to reap the benefits of bonus points.
  • This game is equal parts skill and luck and in some cases it leans towards one over the other. Study the hints carefully and the skulls on top and take your time. Sometimes you can deduce exact spots where skulls or fruits are. And other times it can all lead up to a single lucky choice.
    Screenshot 20180607-093435

    An example of a game down to the last card. Given the skull counter at the top and the hints provided the last blue cards hold one fruit and one skull... good luck!


The story starts off with 4 selectable characters. Each one has a unique personality and 2 powers they can use that consumes Star Power. More characters are unlocked for the vs mode as the player progresses through the story, it is not mandatory for the player to win to unlock these characters.

Story Characters[]

PORTRAIT NAME POWERS (to be filled later)
A idle
  • Safe Edge(1 star):Sense a safe card along the border
  • Perimeter(3 stars): Sense all safe cards along the perimeter
B idle
  • Faze(1 star):Opponent can't use star powers for 2 turns. Reveal opponent's last drawn card
  • Terror(2 stars): Opponent can't use star powers until they win a round
C idle
  • Danger Zone(1 Star): Sense 2 safe cards near skull cards
  • Z Vision(2 stars): Sense 2 skull cards
D idle
  • Focus (1 Star): Sense an unpicked fruit card
  • Try Hard (1 star): Show hints on all your current cards.


NPCs are unlocked for the VS mode by simply encountering them in the story mode.

Friend idle
  • Noise (1 Star): Opponent loses all their current hints.
  • Analyze (2 Stars): Sense which horizontal row has the most fruits and see number of fruits per color.
Nicebad idle
  • Haven(1 star):Sense a safe card on own row
  • Color View(2 stars): Sense amount of fruits per color
Blunda idle
Blunda (Asleep)
  • ZZZ(1 star): Sense a safe card on own row. Opponent also cannot use Star powers for 1 turn
  • Torpor(2 stars): Opponent can't see card color until they win a round
AwakeBlunda idle
Blunda (Awake)
  • Yawn (2 Stars): Sense a fruit card
  • Sleepless (2 Stars): Sense all star cards. Opponent can't use star powers until next round.
CoolGuy idle
  • Harvest(1 Star): Sense which horizontal row has the most fruits
  • Staying Alive (2 stars): Sense 4 safe cards
Phoebe idle
  • Clean Fight (2 stars): Both you and the opponent can't use star power until winning a round
  • Wipe Cards (2 Stars): Both Players lose all their current hints.
Saturnus idle
  • Star Navigation (1 Star): Sense a safe card near a star card
  • Star Map (2 Stars): Sense all star cards
Aya idle
  • Read(1 star):Reveal the opponents last drawn card
  • Control(3 stars): Choose a card that the opponent must draw
Fae idle
  • Allowance (1 star): Sense 2 safe cards. You can't use star power until you've won a round
  • Investment (1 star): Sense 1 skull. You can't use star power until you've won a round
Sam idle
  • Haunt (1 star):Sense the content of the card on the position of the last drawn skull
  • Death Risk (2 stars): Place a special mark on all skull and fruit cards.
Parrot idle
Parrot. (Yes, a parrot)
  • Good Bird (1 Star): Sense an unpicked star
  • Polly wants a fruit (2 Stars): Sense an Unpicked fruit
Sofia idle
Sofia (Twin A)
  • Restrict (1 Star): Opponent must pick a card next to their last picked, if possible.
  • Restrain (2 Stars): Opponent can't see card color or use star power until they win a round.
BFia idle
Sofia (twin B)
  • Trust (1 Star): Sense all safe cards that are near nothing
  • Touch (2 Stars): Sense 6 safe cards that are near opponent cards.
Lemon idle-0
  • Haha (1 star): Opponent must pick a card next to their last and can't use star power for 1 turn
  • Sour Lemon (2 stars): Opponent loses all their current hints and cannot use Star Power for 1 turn
Wasp idle
  • Faze (1 star): Opponent can't use star powers for 2 turns. Reveal opponent's last drawn card
  • Sugar Rush (1 star): Mark all empty cards that have 3 or more fruits nearby, if any.
Hedvig idle
  • Brain Blast (1 Star): Both players lose their current hints. Both sense hints on opponents' cards
  • Invade Mind (2 Stars): Reveal all opponents' cards
Helios idle
  • Flare (1 Star): Sense all empty cards with hints.
  • Blind (2 Stars) Opponent loses all current hints and can't use powers until they win a round.
Idun idle
  • Dark Whisper (1 Star): Sense a skull card. You can't use star powers until next round
  • Dark Pact (3 Stars): Sense all skulls, but allow opponent to see all your current hints.
  • Safe Card (1 star): Sense a safe card
  • See Hints (3 stars): See all of opponent's hints
Boss idle
  • God Eye (1 Star): Reveal all opponent's cards
  • Heaven Reap (2 Stars): Reveal all fruits.
ParrotD idle
  • Neo Focus (1 Star): Sense which horizontal row has the most fruits
  • Parrotal Control (2 Stars): Choose a card that the opponent must draw.



PsyCard Launch Trailer



  • Most of these characters will go on to be featured as cards in Card City Nights 2
  • Fae's scarf is a morbid cameo of Tippsie from Ittle Dew
  • The game went through a few prototypes featuring an unnamed character. A prototype scene was published on Ludosity's official site
  • The game was voted to be created by a poll listed on the Ludosity site[1]
  • Remar helped design 3 of the characters. Idun, Helios and Hedvig.


The soundtrack is available on .Haku's SoundCloud


